Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things 2 Know from Chapter 2

1. The man most responsible for the French colonization of North America was Samuel de Champlain.
2. The primary export of the Virginia Colony was tobacco.
3. The English monarch most responsible for defining the Protestant reformation in England was Elizabeth I.
4. Papal supremacy, veneration of saints, and clerical celibacy were all tenants rejected by the Calvinists.
5. The "jeremiad" was a sermon that lamented religious shortcomings.

6. A Dutch patroonship was a a large estate.
7. The colony of Massachusettes Bay was settled by Quakers.
8. Settlers were attracted to Pennsylvania in large numbers because of religious toleration.
9. Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan woman who was expelled from Massachusetts for claiming that she communicated directly with God.
10. Sir Francis Drake was an English slave trader and pirate who raided Spanish possessions in South America.
11. The monarch who sat on the English throne during early seventeenth century colonization in North America was James I.
12. The Dutch first introduced slavery in the English colonies.
13. The Dutch Republic and its North American colonies promoted free trade, religious toleration, and local political control.
14. The model for England's conquest and colonization of North America was Ireland.
15. Samuel de Champlain explored the St. Lawrence River and founded the French Colony of Quebec.
16. Quakers believe that each individual could be saved by the "Inner Light".
17. One of the primary founders of Rhode Island was Roger Williams.
18. The "lord protector" who led England following the beheading of Charles I was Oliver Cromwell.
19. The early settlers of Jamestown had too many gentlemen ad specialized craftsmen to provide leadership for the colony, the colony was located in a malaria and typhoid infested area, the colonists often faced starvation due to lack of supplies and lack of farming skills and the local Indians were unpredictable and often hostile towards the colonists.
20. The Restoration colonies were proprietary colonies founded by cavalier supporters of Charles II and James II.
21. The following is true of the Massachusetts Bay Colony: -the original colonists were mostly educated, prosperous property owners
-it was founded by English Puritans who created their own joint-stock company
-its colonists were healthier and lived longer than the Virginia Colonists
22. The increase in the English population in New York was slowed because of the autocratic government.
23. The author of The Institutes of the Christian Religion was John Calvin.
24. The coureurs de bois were French fur traders.
26. The Protestant Reformantion argued that a person could find salvation through faith alone.
27. The colony that was established as a Catholic refuge was Maryland.
28. Under the headright system a colonist recieved 50 acres of free land for every person for whom he paid passage to Virginia.
29. The Spanish Armada was destroyed by a combination of 'nimble' English ships and severe weather off the coast of Ireland.
30. Early New England society would best be described as communitarian in nature.
31. The major export from the colony of Pennsylvania was wheat.
32. Calvanists believe a person's salvation or damnation was predestined by God.
33. The staple export of South Carolina by the early eighteenth century was rice.
34. Early colonial population statistics for Virginia and Maryland reveal that most men lived to age 45 while most women died before the age of 40.
35. The colony of New York remained predominantly Dutch in population and culture throughout the seventeenth century.
36. Jamestown was a great failure.
37. By mid-eighteenth century, the most important French colony was St. Dominique (Haiti.)
38. One of the traits that made Quakers unpopular in England was their refusal to do military service.
39. The founder of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, was George Fox.
40. English colonization efforts in Ireland and North America were similar in that in both places the English used harsh tactics, including massacring women and children to subdue the native peoples.
41. Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts because he believed the king lacked the authority to grant title to Indian lands.
42. Puritans believed that a person's salvation depended on God's covenant of grace.
43. In English Reformation Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and proclaimed himself the 'only supreme head of the Church of England'.
45. The 'half-way covenant' refers to religious concessions made by those who had not had the salvation experience.
46. John Smith is noted for saving the Jamestown Colony by forcing colonists to work.
47. One reason the puritans of early Massachusetts Bay were able to administer their own governmental affairs without royal intrusion was because the charter was relocated to New England.
48. Jamestown was established and settled by a joint stock company.
49. Early Pennsylvania also was referred to as the 'holy experiment'.
50. In the colony of New France fur trading and wheat farming provided the basis for a prosperous economy.

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