Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Unit One Assistance

Ok, so Kellie and I are trying to figure out how to link the CD chapter usefulness... but it's not working over there in the Linky bar gadget thing to my right, so I'll just post them here. Here's the links for UNIT ONE:
I dunno if it's going to work...
Edit: IT DOES!
Edit2: I got the links to work in the side bar too, so either way!

Also, here's Tucker's description of this Unit:

Unit I: Colonial Era
Reading: Murrin Ch. 1-4 (170 pages)
Included in Folder:
1. Outlines in murrin
2. Free response outlines
3. Handouts/Notes
4. Timed writings and quizzes
5. Critical Review- Lies My Teacher Told Me and Killer Angels
6. Position Paper #1

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